Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Day Challenge

Today is the first day of National Health Blog Post month!  We are suppose to post everyday, so lets see if we can accomplish 30 days of posts since Nov 30th we leave for our run in VEGAS! 

Today I am suppose to tell you why I write about my health.  Well, were do I begin. If you would have asked me 6 months ago about my Crohn's I would have told you the bare minimum, now I will just tell you more than you probably want to know!  I find that typing how I feel is a stress reliever in some way and it allows me to share emotions that I might not share with you in person. 

When I was diagnosed at 14 years old I was so embarassed and couldn't believe what was happening to my body.  I mean seriously, I was as pale as a ghost, weighed 72 pounds and pooped all the time.  What if I had to poop at my friend's house or even a boyfriends house??  Well I soon got over that because I realized that they didn't care or at least they didn't say anything!  And that was just the beginning of my journey.  So I write about my disease because I can and because maybe one simple statement that I say will impact you for the day or maybe make your week. I have found that small statements carry the biggest impact. 

Crohn's is an invisible disease as many call it and if you google it there is not a lot our there about how actual "Crohnies" feel or what works for them.  Well this is a chance for me to do that.  And of course have amazing support along the way.  I found this awesome blog ; she is an inspiration and I have yet to meet her!  Can't wait though as she is coming to Vegas for Team Challenge. 

So I promise not every blog I will talk about my Crohn's.  Dani will always add another great perspective on things I promise! 

OH...By the way, I went to my first Crohn's support group tonight with Brian. Well lets just say it was me, Brian, and 2 old men!  AWKWARD!!  Yet I can say that I will go back next month because I realized they need a "younger" figure in those groups so I can open my big mouth and spread the word about Crohn's local.  Just think, someday, I could be on TV like Pearl Jams Mike McCready or the New England Patriots retiree.  Don't keep your fingers cross =)

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