Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!!!

I cant believe we are actually leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning. We have been thinking about this since August and now here we are! I'm just gonna start rambling on about what I'm thinking, so it might be a little all over the place :)
I'm a little nervous about the race, i have been slipping a little bit in the training department :/ I have heard though that there is so many distractions there that get you pumped up and you continue on. I have been watching the videos on YouTube and cant believe I am going to get to experience it too! I'm so ready for it all!!
Thank you to everyone that donated and helped us out with our fundraising. We truly appreciated it!
I almost teared up last night as I was thinking about putting Trav and Kristi's name on my singlet. Its an honor to do this for so many people. I hope I can do this again, its just an amazing feeling!
We finally get to meet our teammates from Minn.! We have been emailing them since Aug and now we get to meet them face to face, so we are both pretty excited about that. We are all going zip lining Friday night as a team!! Whoop! Whoop!
We will be blogging again tomorrow to update you all and maybe throughout the wknd. I hope we can get some good pictures to share with you all. I'm having a hard time finding room in my suitcase for a camera
Maybe on Sunday you can all say a little prayer in hopes that Kristi is feeling well enough to run 13.1 miles.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Wish us luck!!!!!

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