Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WE MADE IT TO $3600!

Let's just say that Halloween isn't just for scary ghosts and goblins, but it's for joy and celebration as Dani and I both met our goal on fundraising today! Words can’t express the warmth and gratitude that we have for all of you that have helped us meet our goals in both money and support.  It is amazing to have so many people patting our backs from near and far especially when some days we felt like we couldn’t do it anymore.  Now to just focus on running 13.1 miles and crossing the finish line with my best friend in less than 4 weeks!

I told myself that I would never show these pictures in public but I honestly think the time is right now.  Every dollar that you gave to Dani and myself is helping find a cure for Crohn’s.  These pics were taken 4 years ago at one of the worst points in my life and I know there are many of those days ahead of me yet somehow in my heart, I know that I’m ok because I have all of you supporting me!  People that I had no clue that support me.  This brings tears to my eyes looking at these but it also brings joy because I have realized Crohn’s doesn’t define me, its part of me!

Those scars represent a story, the story of a girl who lived years embarrased about the things that her disease was causing to happen to her body.  I made it through all that and I still continue to fight battles with my Crohn's disease all the time and darn it, I'm proud.  I'm one cool chick missing part of her intestine!


Now I can be open and honest about my disease and it all started a couple of months ago when I got the “guts” to run 13.1 miles J 


Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! 

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