Day 3: "I don't know about this, but I would like to".......
Those 10 words have rang true to me just this last week as I have re-evaluated my health and realized I really would like a second opinion on what is right for me. I'm only 28 years old and hopefully have a whole world ahead of me, I would like to at least feel well 50% of the time. However, when I think about getting a 2nd opinion, I feel like I am having an affair on my Gastro doctor of 10 years...Is that weird? Probably, yes because it is my health and my life! So I did schedule an appointment with a new GI doctor in 2 weeks from now (she's younger and I'm hoping full of new ideas/thoughts) that maybe will work better for me. And who know's I might still go back to my same GI I have had for 10 years but why not "test the water" for a different feel. I'm crossing my fingers and hope that by me having this "medical affair" it's well worth it!
Day 4: How did you decide what to share? What do/don't you share?
This sharing idea is a brand new concept to me as I have never talked about my disease so openly before. Yet the second Dani and myself signed up for Team Challenge there was no turning back when talking about my Crohn's. I have decided to openly share everything about this "invisible" illness I have except some minor details that many of you will be glad I don't share. Today is not the best day for me but I will only write positive things as I don't want the negative side of my illness to overcome the positives in my life. You know that your kids really listen to you when last night when deciding what we wanted for supper I asked Lucas what he would like... He states "Mom lets have pizza for supper because you can go to the bathroom at home!" He does really listen to me!
I am so thankful for my amazing 3 children. They are so intelligent and understand when I don't feel good that we won't be accomplishing much that day but they also make me feel better at the same time. Lily is my go to girl as she knows as much as I do where each bathroom is in every store/building that we enter. She knows that sometimes in the middle of shopping we will have to leave the cart where it is and make a mad dash for the restroom. Its priceless for me when I have all 3 kids in the stall and pray they don't say anything about the smell or what are you doing mom! Yet I wouldn't change it for the world and I just hope that somebody they know I try my best even when I don't feel like my body can try any harder.
This card most definetly pertains to you Dani! You know all to much about me and I wouldn't change any minute of it. Thank you!
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