Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Crazy Week!

Well it is only Tuesday and we already have a jammed pack week ahead of us with fundraising for Team Challenge.  Thank you to everyone who came out last night to Lillians for our Diva Night!  It is greatly appreciated...I actually found a hat that fits my "LARGE" head.  I will make sure I take a picture for everyone :)  Tonight, we got our 1st Annual Monster Dash 5k Family Run/Walk approved by the city.. Its scheduled on Sunday Oct 21st at 2pm!  Let us know if your interested.  Tshirts are due by Oct 10th.  Call or email me or Dani for more information.  This Saturday we are having a rummage sale in hopes of some extra money plus to get things out of the house and then on Sunday, we are hosting a fall picture mini session!  Crazy week ahead but we can get through it together.

It is crazy how hard this can be but how enjoyable it is at the same time.  I have been struggling to find the time to juggle everything.  If I was only an octopus with 8 arms, I could do it all!  I have been slightly worried about my Crohn's and having a flare up with all this craziness going on but I am doing ok....On a new medication and weaning off of steroids...Lets just keep our fingers crossed I stay healthy.  It has been so empowering for me to talk about my disease during this fundraising process and I'm not afraid to hide it anymore.. So even when I look ok from the outside, doesn't mean I'm always feeling ok on the inside :)  Ok enough of my ranting and raving....Got some rummage stuff to look for! 

I do however want to end on this amazing quote by Coach Erin!  Love it! 

"Training is like fighting with a gorilla.  You don't stop when you're tired.  You stop when the gorilla is tired."

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