Monday, October 15, 2012

A new perspective on life

Lets just say, I had a reality check that I never want to see again over the weekend.  Our baby Lane had 3 febrile seizures on Saturday evening in Spirit Lake, IA at the Ramada Inn while we were sleeping.  It was the most traumatizing thing that has happened in my life and it has made me cherish every minute of everyday.  In looking back on the past couple of days and all the thinking I was able to do due to the lack of sleep, I am grateful for what I have and have prayed more in 2 days than I have in a long time!  Lets just say, I'm going pray daily from now on! 

I want everyone to know how happy I am with all the love and support around me.  It is so heart warming to know there is always someone there even when you feel totally alone.  I know I will get over this crazy experience, it will be slow, but I will.  I just need to focus on today and move forward and be grateful Lane is still smiling. 

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