Monday, October 22, 2012

Downhill slide

Well we are currently on the downhill slide with only 6 weeks left before we run and let me just say "I'm freaking out!" but so excited at the same time.   I can't explain the type of gratitude and support that we have received from family and friends and even people we don't even know.  It is heart warming and makes me believe even stronger in what I already have my heart in. The 5k yesterday was outstanding and we couldn't have asked for better weather.  Now to find some time to craft this week for the craft fair on Saturday.  We are praying this is our last big fundraising "hoorah"! 

I don't think I ever realized how hard it would be to fundraise and find time to run on top of my already crazy schedule.  I somehow have, sometimes barely scrapping by.  I couldn't have asked for a more supportive husband and family.  My 3 children are use to me being gone or worrying about fundraising.  Lucas gave me 10 cents the other day and was so excited and said "here you go mom, its for your run".  It's so wonderful that they still love me even when some days I feel like my mind is a thousand miles away.

These last 6 weeks we need to focus on our running and me definetely my nutrition so I am physically ready to run 13.1 miles.  I have been off my steroids for about 2 weeks and feeling ok.  My new medications are working thus far so crossing my fingers they continue to do so.  If I could just get over all the fatigue I have, it would be a thousand times better! 

Once again....Thank you thank you thank you for supporting Dani and myself on this adventure and we can't wait to tell you about it when we are finished! 

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