Monday, October 29, 2012

Monster Dash and Craft Fair

Whoa! So Im a little behind on blogging....sorry! Well, our monster dash was a HUGE success and I didnt screw up on the stop watches!!! That might be because they didnt give me one :( They know me all to well I guess!
We are so thankful for everyone that came out and ran the 5k! It was such an amazing feeling to see everyone pulling into the parking lot! Thank you to all of you who donated prizes and food! I must say, we had some pretty good ones!!!! Im not sure how I can express how much we appreciate all the help, words just are not enough!!

Then the next weekend we had a craft fair!!! A craft fair and we had NO CRAFTS!!! Im sitting in my house thinking to myself  "how the heck did we get here?" Then it dawned on me....KRISTI!! It started as "I need to start running again." To "We should do some 5ks, and collect t-shirts!" To "Hey Dani, look what I came across! We can go to Las Vegas!" So now here I am completely freaking out cause I have NOTHING to sell in this craft fair and it all Kristis fault!! Just kidding Kristi (kind of)!!
Again, Kristi and I stay up late friday night and craft away, then get up early to set up for the craft fair. It started at 9am and ended at 3pm. We were there for 7 hours and we made $55.00!!! We were so disappointed! But you know what? I actually got to sit and talk to someone for 7 hrs about absolutley nothing! It was fun in a disappointing way, if that makes sense????
That was our last fundraiser. Now I am freaking out on how to make 500 more dollars! Im at the end of the rope and I dont know what to do. Im hoping some complete stranger stops by and hands me a huge check! That would be AWESOME! But very unrealistic. We thought that the craft fair would be "it" that we would make our goal :( So I guess we must go on....we are almost there. November 15th is the deadline. I know we can do it, I have no doubts!  I see the LV lights, I see the blue and the orange lining up the strip, I hear the music playing and people cheering! I can feel the excitment and joy for what we did, it gives me goosebumps now, I cant imagine what feeling I am gonna have crossing the finish line with my best friend!

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