Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time to vent.........

This week has been slightly rough on me. I am feeling very overwhelmed with everything on my plate. Kids homework, kids sports, job 1 & 2, birthday parties, full weekends, trying to squeeze in a few miles and the stress to raise almost $4,000. On the plus side I am over half way to my goal. My coaches and mentors keep telling me I'm doing great. But am I? I hope!!!, I am very thankful for the husband that I have, he has sacrificed alot of time so I can work on my goal. He is fantastic!!! Guilt is also killing me too. I feel guilty for missing out on time with the kids. Last weekend they had a babysitter all weekend!!! Talk about a knife thru the heart! I'm praying that in the end they will be proud of what I am doing. The things that keep me going....I feel great for what I am doing. It is an awesome feeling to have when your doing something for someone. It feels so great to see so many people come out and help you! It floods you with so many emotions! I know this wont be my last one, I would love to do it for other causes too. But believe me it is mentally and physically draining!! In the end, its all gonna be worth it. I see the finish line!
Thanks for listening to me! I promise that will be my last breakdown....o.k. probably not. But I will try and keep them to a minimum!!!       D

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