Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WE MADE IT TO $3600!

Let's just say that Halloween isn't just for scary ghosts and goblins, but it's for joy and celebration as Dani and I both met our goal on fundraising today! Words can’t express the warmth and gratitude that we have for all of you that have helped us meet our goals in both money and support.  It is amazing to have so many people patting our backs from near and far especially when some days we felt like we couldn’t do it anymore.  Now to just focus on running 13.1 miles and crossing the finish line with my best friend in less than 4 weeks!

I told myself that I would never show these pictures in public but I honestly think the time is right now.  Every dollar that you gave to Dani and myself is helping find a cure for Crohn’s.  These pics were taken 4 years ago at one of the worst points in my life and I know there are many of those days ahead of me yet somehow in my heart, I know that I’m ok because I have all of you supporting me!  People that I had no clue that support me.  This brings tears to my eyes looking at these but it also brings joy because I have realized Crohn’s doesn’t define me, its part of me!

Those scars represent a story, the story of a girl who lived years embarrased about the things that her disease was causing to happen to her body.  I made it through all that and I still continue to fight battles with my Crohn's disease all the time and darn it, I'm proud.  I'm one cool chick missing part of her intestine!


Now I can be open and honest about my disease and it all started a couple of months ago when I got the “guts” to run 13.1 miles J 


Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monster Dash and Craft Fair

Whoa! So Im a little behind on blogging....sorry! Well, our monster dash was a HUGE success and I didnt screw up on the stop watches!!! That might be because they didnt give me one :( They know me all to well I guess!
We are so thankful for everyone that came out and ran the 5k! It was such an amazing feeling to see everyone pulling into the parking lot! Thank you to all of you who donated prizes and food! I must say, we had some pretty good ones!!!! Im not sure how I can express how much we appreciate all the help, words just are not enough!!

Then the next weekend we had a craft fair!!! A craft fair and we had NO CRAFTS!!! Im sitting in my house thinking to myself  "how the heck did we get here?" Then it dawned on me....KRISTI!! It started as "I need to start running again." To "We should do some 5ks, and collect t-shirts!" To "Hey Dani, look what I came across! We can go to Las Vegas!" So now here I am completely freaking out cause I have NOTHING to sell in this craft fair and it all Kristis fault!! Just kidding Kristi (kind of)!!
Again, Kristi and I stay up late friday night and craft away, then get up early to set up for the craft fair. It started at 9am and ended at 3pm. We were there for 7 hours and we made $55.00!!! We were so disappointed! But you know what? I actually got to sit and talk to someone for 7 hrs about absolutley nothing! It was fun in a disappointing way, if that makes sense????
That was our last fundraiser. Now I am freaking out on how to make 500 more dollars! Im at the end of the rope and I dont know what to do. Im hoping some complete stranger stops by and hands me a huge check! That would be AWESOME! But very unrealistic. We thought that the craft fair would be "it" that we would make our goal :( So I guess we must go on....we are almost there. November 15th is the deadline. I know we can do it, I have no doubts!  I see the LV lights, I see the blue and the orange lining up the strip, I hear the music playing and people cheering! I can feel the excitment and joy for what we did, it gives me goosebumps now, I cant imagine what feeling I am gonna have crossing the finish line with my best friend!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Downhill slide

Well we are currently on the downhill slide with only 6 weeks left before we run and let me just say "I'm freaking out!" but so excited at the same time.   I can't explain the type of gratitude and support that we have received from family and friends and even people we don't even know.  It is heart warming and makes me believe even stronger in what I already have my heart in. The 5k yesterday was outstanding and we couldn't have asked for better weather.  Now to find some time to craft this week for the craft fair on Saturday.  We are praying this is our last big fundraising "hoorah"! 

I don't think I ever realized how hard it would be to fundraise and find time to run on top of my already crazy schedule.  I somehow have, sometimes barely scrapping by.  I couldn't have asked for a more supportive husband and family.  My 3 children are use to me being gone or worrying about fundraising.  Lucas gave me 10 cents the other day and was so excited and said "here you go mom, its for your run".  It's so wonderful that they still love me even when some days I feel like my mind is a thousand miles away.

These last 6 weeks we need to focus on our running and me definetely my nutrition so I am physically ready to run 13.1 miles.  I have been off my steroids for about 2 weeks and feeling ok.  My new medications are working thus far so crossing my fingers they continue to do so.  If I could just get over all the fatigue I have, it would be a thousand times better! 

Once again....Thank you thank you thank you for supporting Dani and myself on this adventure and we can't wait to tell you about it when we are finished! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

A new perspective on life

Lets just say, I had a reality check that I never want to see again over the weekend.  Our baby Lane had 3 febrile seizures on Saturday evening in Spirit Lake, IA at the Ramada Inn while we were sleeping.  It was the most traumatizing thing that has happened in my life and it has made me cherish every minute of everyday.  In looking back on the past couple of days and all the thinking I was able to do due to the lack of sleep, I am grateful for what I have and have prayed more in 2 days than I have in a long time!  Lets just say, I'm going pray daily from now on! 

I want everyone to know how happy I am with all the love and support around me.  It is so heart warming to know there is always someone there even when you feel totally alone.  I know I will get over this crazy experience, it will be slow, but I will.  I just need to focus on today and move forward and be grateful Lane is still smiling. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This is an amazing video that is well worth watching! 

3 weeks left and freaking out!

Well...we officially have only 3 weeks left of fundraising and then we can focus on running!  Dani and I are so very thankful to everyone who has donated already to this awesome cause.  We are both almost to our goal but not quite yet....So here comes the donation pitch again...Its so simple, even $10 would add up to us!  And its a tax donation!  Be sure to check out our pages and donate if you can...

We decided last minute when it was only 48 degrees out not to have our rummage sale so now we have been pushing our Monster Dash 5k as well as busy making crafts for the Hartford Craft Fair at the end of the month.  Let us know if you are interested in the Monster Dash, its Sunday Oct 21st at 2pm-Costumes encouraged!!!

I can definetely say the last couple of days have been a struggle emotionally for both Dani and myself.  Thank goodness we are in this together otherwise I don't think we would be where we are at.  I have had a few select words with God and had to remind myself of what I am grateful for and appreciate everything around me.  It seems like you are so wrapped up in your crazy fast paced world that you forget about the most important thing: FAMILY!  I am so blessed with an amazing supportive family and friends and wouldn't trade them for the world.  Lily has been saving all her pennies for me to run and I just love her dedication even if she has only a $1.  It's the fact that an 8 year old worries about her mother when she has other fun things she can do!  Always remember that happiness is where you least expect it!  Have to confess: My happiness this morning was eating a donut even though I know I shouldn't have.  It was sooooooo worth it! 

Until next time.....  "Happiness Often Sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open"- John Barrymore

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Crazy Week!

Well it is only Tuesday and we already have a jammed pack week ahead of us with fundraising for Team Challenge.  Thank you to everyone who came out last night to Lillians for our Diva Night!  It is greatly appreciated...I actually found a hat that fits my "LARGE" head.  I will make sure I take a picture for everyone :)  Tonight, we got our 1st Annual Monster Dash 5k Family Run/Walk approved by the city.. Its scheduled on Sunday Oct 21st at 2pm!  Let us know if your interested.  Tshirts are due by Oct 10th.  Call or email me or Dani for more information.  This Saturday we are having a rummage sale in hopes of some extra money plus to get things out of the house and then on Sunday, we are hosting a fall picture mini session!  Crazy week ahead but we can get through it together.

It is crazy how hard this can be but how enjoyable it is at the same time.  I have been struggling to find the time to juggle everything.  If I was only an octopus with 8 arms, I could do it all!  I have been slightly worried about my Crohn's and having a flare up with all this craziness going on but I am doing ok....On a new medication and weaning off of steroids...Lets just keep our fingers crossed I stay healthy.  It has been so empowering for me to talk about my disease during this fundraising process and I'm not afraid to hide it anymore.. So even when I look ok from the outside, doesn't mean I'm always feeling ok on the inside :)  Ok enough of my ranting and raving....Got some rummage stuff to look for! 

I do however want to end on this amazing quote by Coach Erin!  Love it! 

"Training is like fighting with a gorilla.  You don't stop when you're tired.  You stop when the gorilla is tired."