Monday, August 27, 2012

#2 Pizza Ranch

Oh my word!! Thank you to everyone who came out to Pizza Ranch tonight to help us! We had such a great turn out. It was amazing. I have never had dish pan hands like this before! Totally worth it!!!
Our jobs at Pizza Ranch tonight were to bus table, dishes, keep plates, silverware, and cups stocked. We started tonight at 5:00 and we were running until 8:00!! Our husbands came into to help us out, we couldn't have done it without them. Thank you!! I am pretty sure though that I might get a call from Pizza Ranch asking to come back and do their dishes again :)

Move over Kristi, let me show you how its done!!

 Thanks babe for helping us out! You did awesome
 YAY! We get to eat!!
 Brian, the best bus boy in the world!! Thanks for helping us!!
 Thank you Pizza Ranch and everyone who came for supper tonight for helping us get closer to our goal!!! What a fun night!!

Now its time for bed cause we gotta run at 5:30 tomorrow morning!! WHOOP!!!!

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