Sunday, September 9, 2012

2 weeks in....

Its been awhile since we wrote on our blog...Sorry!  3 kids and a husband, we are both crazy busy as I know many of you are!  Well we are 2 weeks in to our training and so far so good.  I can't say mine and Dani's schedules have aligned for us to run together but we will make it work :)  It's really hard to prioritize the time into your day, if only there was more than 24 hours, it would be so much more easier, right?!  We are up to 4 miles or 45 minutes of solid running which is awesome for me.  I just have to say that Dani is a little bit faster so I'm hoping that my stride picks up or she will be blowing by me in Vegas.  I will just have to run with my cell phone so I can find her at the end!  I do wonder how long its going to take me to run 13.1 miles....less than 2 hours I hope but I think that sounds kinda fast!  I want to thank all of you that have donated already, we are both on a great track in our fundraising goals!  Also thanks for the continued support as we do this and remember keep checking our blog :)

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