Monday, August 20, 2012


On Dec. 2nd we will be running our very first half marathon in Las Vegas with the Team Challenge Minnesota/Dakotas Chapter to support the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)! Attempting to run or even walk a marathon never crossed our minds. Now here we are!

Kristi here has suffered from the Crohns Disease for the past 14 years and knows too well the challenges her and her family have faced living with and fighting this disease. She has hid her disease for a long time now and often felt like she wasnt doing enough. It is difficult to predict how Crohns will affect her in the future so she is living for now!

Crohns Disease and ulcerative colitis are known together as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They are painful, medically incurable illnesses that attack the digestive system. Kristi and I have decided to take on the Marathon challenge together, in honor of her and my brother in law and the other 1.4 million Americans affected by Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The funds raised by Team Challenge will directly benefit CCFA in support of its mission to find a cure. More than 80 cents of every dollar raised goes directly toward research, education and support services.

We have two goals to achieve with this challenge. The first is to actually train for and cross the finish line. The second goal we can only achieve with your help and generosity and that is to raise $4200.00 by Oct 30th for CCFA!!!

Keep coming back and checking up on us. We promise we wont disappoint you!!!!!!

Dani and Kristi

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