Monday, August 27, 2012

#2 Pizza Ranch

Oh my word!! Thank you to everyone who came out to Pizza Ranch tonight to help us! We had such a great turn out. It was amazing. I have never had dish pan hands like this before! Totally worth it!!!
Our jobs at Pizza Ranch tonight were to bus table, dishes, keep plates, silverware, and cups stocked. We started tonight at 5:00 and we were running until 8:00!! Our husbands came into to help us out, we couldn't have done it without them. Thank you!! I am pretty sure though that I might get a call from Pizza Ranch asking to come back and do their dishes again :)

Move over Kristi, let me show you how its done!!

 Thanks babe for helping us out! You did awesome
 YAY! We get to eat!!
 Brian, the best bus boy in the world!! Thanks for helping us!!
 Thank you Pizza Ranch and everyone who came for supper tonight for helping us get closer to our goal!!! What a fun night!!

Now its time for bed cause we gotta run at 5:30 tomorrow morning!! WHOOP!!!!

#1. Farmers Market

What a busy weekend!!! Friday we did our shopping for our headbands we sold at the farmers market, Saturday night we started making our headbands and cupcakes and Sunday morning we set up our booth!! We had a really good turn out and we did better than we had expected! Such a good feeling! We will definitely be there next weekend to do it all over again!
 Above: Setting up for farmers market. The girls came along to "help"
 The bracelets our daughters are making and selling for a $1.00
 Saturday night = crafting night. Kristi learning to sew, but instead she broke my machine!!!
 Button headbands $ cute!!
 Braided headbands $5.00...great for sports!!
 Sequins headband $5.00....pick your own colors
 Clips $5.00..clip them on scarves, purses etc..
 Ribbon headbands $5.00...looks good dressed up or down :)
 How Kristi feels about our great turnout!!!
How I felt about the weather! Yuck!!!!!!

Thanks for coming to support us at the Farmers market yesterday! Now come and see us tonight at Pizza Ranch.YAY!!!!!   D

Friday, August 24, 2012

Crafting has begun!

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Crafting has officially begun for us this evening.  Our wonderful husbands kept the kids while we went to Hobby Lobby and shopped for some amazing craft supplies. Its intriguing what we can come up with when we are together.  Hence lots of $$$ later, we have our supplies and after a day of soccer tomorrow plan to craft our little hearts away.  We are selling our "stuff" at the Farmers Market in Hartford on Sunday from 11-2pm at the Hartford Building Center.  Stop on out if you can!  We will post pics next week of our creations :)  This one was for you grandma Helen.  Love K!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nice Relaxing Run

So I was so excited to go out for a nice run yesterday and burn some steam off. Well, I wasnt even a mile into the run when grasshoppers starting jumping up all over the place! If you know me you know I HATE grasshoppers! I get into such a panic when I see them.  I am sure the kids practicing for soccer really enjoyed the show that I gave them, hopping around trying to dodge 50 trillion grasshoppers!!!! I finally get out of the worst of it and start jogging along when all of a sudden the wind came up and took my contact with it! Here I am still running down the highway with tears streaming down my face ( i forgot to mention how awful my allergies are right now) praying I dont get hit by a car cause I cant see!! I finally made it home and have now decided to run at the gym until the grasshoppers are gone. UGH!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I just cannot wait to experience this! This looks so amazing!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


We got our websites up and working! Yay!!


Thank you to all who donate. We truly appreciate every little bit :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Loose Change!

I have decided to make a container for all the loose change I find and see how much I can accumulate before our deadline date. As of today I have a whoppin' $8.43!!! Woohoo!!! The kids wanna help and put their piggy bank money in sweet, huh? I told them they can make their own loose change box and try to get enough for a trip to Disneyland, now they are running around the house like lunatics!!! :S But it is so rewarding to hear them all talk about their mommies trying to get money for the Team Challenge :) Makes my heart melt...............

Next Monday we will be at Pizza Ranch having a fundraising night. I will be posting pictures on that. I am really hoping for a good turn out!

The summer of 5ks

This summer has been a summer of 5ks! Together we ran the Hartford 5k, Avera Breast Cancer Awareness 5K, The Color Run in Minn. and just recently the MudChug in Sioux Falls. All of them equally awesome!
The Color Run was such a great atmosphere, the volunteers were amazing!

The MudChug made me lose sleep! I was so nervous I wasnt gonna be able to finish it. But we did it and we did together and it felt so exhilarating! I felt like super woman when I was finished with bruises and cuts. We all said we were gonna do that one again next year for sure!

The Hartford 5K was our first one of the summer. We were nervous, but we both did better then we expected ourselves to do. And as I am writing this I remembered we also ran the Avera Breast Cancer Awareness 5K. That was so inspirational to me and a feeling that will never go away. Everyone should consider running or even walking in one of those!!
Top pic: Avera
Bottom: Hartford 5K Lemkes Team

If you are ever thinking about running a race, dont hesitate, get up and do it!!! You will be so proud of yourself when you are done and you will be signing yourself up for the next one!


On Dec. 2nd we will be running our very first half marathon in Las Vegas with the Team Challenge Minnesota/Dakotas Chapter to support the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)! Attempting to run or even walk a marathon never crossed our minds. Now here we are!

Kristi here has suffered from the Crohns Disease for the past 14 years and knows too well the challenges her and her family have faced living with and fighting this disease. She has hid her disease for a long time now and often felt like she wasnt doing enough. It is difficult to predict how Crohns will affect her in the future so she is living for now!

Crohns Disease and ulcerative colitis are known together as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They are painful, medically incurable illnesses that attack the digestive system. Kristi and I have decided to take on the Marathon challenge together, in honor of her and my brother in law and the other 1.4 million Americans affected by Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The funds raised by Team Challenge will directly benefit CCFA in support of its mission to find a cure. More than 80 cents of every dollar raised goes directly toward research, education and support services.

We have two goals to achieve with this challenge. The first is to actually train for and cross the finish line. The second goal we can only achieve with your help and generosity and that is to raise $4200.00 by Oct 30th for CCFA!!!

Keep coming back and checking up on us. We promise we wont disappoint you!!!!!!

Dani and Kristi