Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time to vent.........

This week has been slightly rough on me. I am feeling very overwhelmed with everything on my plate. Kids homework, kids sports, job 1 & 2, birthday parties, full weekends, trying to squeeze in a few miles and the stress to raise almost $4,000. On the plus side I am over half way to my goal. My coaches and mentors keep telling me I'm doing great. But am I? I hope!!!, I am very thankful for the husband that I have, he has sacrificed alot of time so I can work on my goal. He is fantastic!!! Guilt is also killing me too. I feel guilty for missing out on time with the kids. Last weekend they had a babysitter all weekend!!! Talk about a knife thru the heart! I'm praying that in the end they will be proud of what I am doing. The things that keep me going....I feel great for what I am doing. It is an awesome feeling to have when your doing something for someone. It feels so great to see so many people come out and help you! It floods you with so many emotions! I know this wont be my last one, I would love to do it for other causes too. But believe me it is mentally and physically draining!! In the end, its all gonna be worth it. I see the finish line!
Thanks for listening to me! I promise that will be my last breakdown....o.k. probably not. But I will try and keep them to a minimum!!!       D

Monday, September 17, 2012

#3 Golf for Team Challenge

Well what do you know....I had nothing to be nervous about at all!! We had 8 teams come out and support us! I was amazed, shocked, overwhelmed and very thankful. I had perma grin the whole 18 holes. We raised $480.00 yesterday because the winning teams decided to donate it back.  Thank you so much!! If you are, I was not on the winning team. I was on the FUNNEST team :) I only lost one ball all day and that's probably cause the water is so low in the ponds they were easy to retrieve.........d

                                                  Kristi's Team

                                             Thanks Travis for helping us organize this
                                                   My Team
                                            Some of the people that came out to support Team Challenge
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Our next fundraiser is Oct.1st at lilllians in Sioux Falls. Hope to see you all there!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2 weeks in....

Its been awhile since we wrote on our blog...Sorry!  3 kids and a husband, we are both crazy busy as I know many of you are!  Well we are 2 weeks in to our training and so far so good.  I can't say mine and Dani's schedules have aligned for us to run together but we will make it work :)  It's really hard to prioritize the time into your day, if only there was more than 24 hours, it would be so much more easier, right?!  We are up to 4 miles or 45 minutes of solid running which is awesome for me.  I just have to say that Dani is a little bit faster so I'm hoping that my stride picks up or she will be blowing by me in Vegas.  I will just have to run with my cell phone so I can find her at the end!  I do wonder how long its going to take me to run 13.1 miles....less than 2 hours I hope but I think that sounds kinda fast!  I want to thank all of you that have donated already, we are both on a great track in our fundraising goals!  Also thanks for the continued support as we do this and remember keep checking our blog :)