Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lets Keep this Rolling

So we have decided to keep our blog going, to talk about running and Crohns! YAY!! I have just recently signed up for another half marathon and I am very excited for it because my husband is running in it with me! The race is in May so we are trying to get our miles in. He has been doing great, me on the other hand not so much. I cant seem to run anymore! Every time I try I have to stop to rub my shin. It's not painful, it feels like there are bugs in my legs and I cant go any more. Two days ago I only felt the sention when I ran, now its sticking around and driving me INSANE!!! Needless to say I broke down outside the gym the other night. Im not the one who has issues, injuries dont happen to me!! So today I went a bought a sleeve to wear over my calf. I tried it and it just makes me feel like my leg is a brick! I dont even feel like myself when I run, almost like I have forgotten how to?? Im afraid to run now. I dont want to damage anything by favoring my leg while I am trying to avoid the weird sensation.
Also, today I had an appointment with an orthopedic regarding my wrist. I have been having random sharp pains for almost 3 years. Didnt get anything figured out today. And I was too embarrassed to tell him my other symptoms!! Bring on the yelling!! Friday I go in for an MRI and I am hoping to get answers there! I think with the stress with "not knowing" and waiting is making it harder for me to feel good when I run.
So if any of my friends in the medical/athletic department know what I am suffering from, PLEASE help me! I just wanna go run and feel good when I do it!!!
